Essential Tips to Keep Midges at Bay Whilst On Your Road Trip...
Taking on the NC500 is an epic road trip, but there’s one thing that might become a nuisance on your adventure. Yep, if you’ve already ventured there in the summer months, you’ve probably guessed it…midges! These little pests (quite literally) are Scotland’s answer to tropical mosquitos, and while they won’t ruin your trip, it’s definitely a good idea to have a few tricks up your sleeve to avoid bites.
So, after plenty of travels around the NC500 ourselves, we’ve pulled together our top tips to help you avoid the swarms and keep your trip itch-free!

Time it Right: Travel in the ‘Midge-Free’ Zones of the Year
Who knew that midges had a calendar? If you want to avoid them, we’d recommend aiming to visit during the shoulder seasons, spring (April/May) or autumn (September/October) are probably ideal when the weather is milder. However, if you’re not wanting to skip the summer season, we’ve got some more tips below to make sure you’re fully prepared.
The Windier the Better (It’s Not as bad as it sounds…promise!)
Midges can’t handle the wind, it only takes a breeze of about 7 mph to keep them away. So, head for coastal spots or breezy hilltops to steer clear of them. Plus, when you’re hiking or cycling, they can’t keep up with you, so you’ll be in the clear while you’re on the move!
Repellent Is Your New Best Friend
Forget scented perfumes, on the NC500, DEET or the local favourite Smidge is your go-to. A quick spray, and you’ll be ready to enjoy your adventure without worrying about midges.
Cover Up & Embrace Outdoorsy Fashion
Think of it as the ultimate outdoor catwalk, long sleeves and trousers are your go-to look. Interestingly, midges also love dark colours, so do your best to wear lighter tones to avoid attraction. Also, if you’re wanting to really top off your look, throw in a trendy midge head net for full Highland glam.
Beat the Clock: Avoid Dawn & Dusk
Midges are most active at dawn and dusk, so it’s best to plan your adventures for the middle of the day. Sunrise hike? Sure you can’t miss it, but make sure you’re armed with repellent, or they’ll be joining you for breakfast!
Retreat Indoors for the Evening
As the sun sets, midges become more active, making it a great time to head indoors. Whether you’re unwinding with a drink at your B&B or getting cosy with a book in your campervan, Scotland’s evenings are perfect for relaxing after a day of adventure.
Use Tent Nets & Screens to Keep Midges Out
If you’re camping, ensure your tent has mosquito nets to block midges from sneaking in. A quick tip, be sure to zip your tent up swiftly when entering. These tiny pests are quick!